Sunday, July 31, 2011

Keeping Your Garden Alive in a Hosepipe Ban

Once in a Blue Moon UK weather gets so nice that we can sit outside and enjoy our gardens, and then we got hit with a hosepipe ban meaningless, which means our gardens go naked and die. We could go all gung-ho and taunt the ban, but that we would land in serious trouble with a hefty fine, so we have no choice but to stay. We are forced to forget a few luxuries such as washing our cars, filling swimming pools or, as the name suggests, using a hosepipe. But leaving her manicured garden wrath heartless drought looks like a big loss a lot of time, effort and money.

But what can we do to avoid our garden is dying in the heat than to go all anti-establishment with our sprinklers? We can still use water around the house so you might consider using water for bathing, washing and so on, this water is fine to use for your garden, and generally, assuming that bathe, to provide you with plenty of water.

In order to transfer water from the sink on the patio or the trap of using their now redundant hose, or to avoid a sip of a soap opera, you can connect your hose to the external waste water pipe.

the best time to water your plants and lawn is early morning or late evening because it will reduce loss of water, watering in the middle of the day will result in evaporation before the water reaches the plant roots. If lawn watering is not good enough to get up early and then fill a small flower pots with water and insert them into the ground and then cover them, it will allow water to penetrate to the roots before evaporating.

can avoid wasting water, not watering the plants, it will encourage weeds and they will draw valuable water from the soil, so remove them when they occur. Do not cut your lawn as short to trap moisture in the morning, it will also reduce evaporation and keep weeds away.

to help small plants and flowers, put them in small pots and place them on trays of water to help them in hot climates. There are also biodegradable gel crystals that are available can be used in plants that can reduce the frequency of watering you'll need to do.

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